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Projected Revenues
Revenue Sources
There are four main permanent revenue sources for the State Trunk Highway Fund:
- Federal Gas Tax and General Fund (Federal-Aid Highway Program)
- State Gas Tax (Motor Fuels Excise Taxes)
- Tab Fees (Motor Vehicle Registration Tax)
- Motor Vehicle Sales Tax
Highway System Expenditures
MnDOT manages the Trunk Highway Fund to support four broad types of expenditures on the state highway system:
- Debt Service, for payments to bondholders who have financed earlier investments
- Operations and Maintenance, combining traffic management, snow removal, pavement patching, etc.
- Program Planning and Delivery, including design and engineering work
- State Road Construction, representing the capital program for new construction and reconstruction of state highways and bridges
Balancing these goals leads to a projected 20-year total of about $20 billion devoted to capital projects. However, inflation for highway construction materials will continually reduce the buying power of this revenue.
Read the full report
- Summary: Projected Revenues
- Draft Full Report: Projected Revenues (report coming soon)