Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan
Investing wisely
Like you, MnDOT has a budget for its expenses. We all make responsible decisions to spend money on our basic needs—shelter, food, clothing. MnDOT also makes responsible decisions to invest funds in maintaining the existing system to a basic level of performance. Beyond the bare necessities, MnDOT has to make tough decisions on how to spend resources in the most efficient and effective ways. Planning helps guide these decisions. That’s what the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan is for. In fact, the update is so important to the success of the future system that is required under federal and state law.
We live in a great state, and it takes a lot of resources to keep people and goods moving. Given the aging of infrastructure and the overall state of our highway system, there aren’t enough funds to address all of Minnesota’s existing transportation system priorities. Without additional funding, we cannot solve every transportation problem in Minnesota. That’s why, every five years, MnDOT writes a plan for how to invest its anticipated budget. We can only plan for dollars we can expect to have for the next 20 years. From 2023-2042, MnDOT projected $36.7 billion in available revenue.
2023 Plan Update documents
Read the supporting documents:
- 2023-2042 Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan
- View the Public Engagement Summary
- Response to Comments
- 2023 Public Participation Plan
- Learn about the 2023 investment categories
- Read about the Assessment of the 2017 Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan
2017 Plan documents
Read the plan and supporting documents:
- Final 2017 State Highway Investment Plan
- 2017 Engagement Executive Summary
- 2017 Public Participation Plan
- 2017 Response to comments
Learn more
- Read the 10-year capital highway investment plan (planned projects for the next 10 years)
Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan contact:
Brad Utecht
Project Manager
Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan
About the planning process
MnDOT recently adopted the Minnesota State Highway Investment Plan. The update process began in the fall of 2020. The next plan update is due in 2028.
- Last Plan Adoption: 2024
- Next Plan Update Due: 2028
Step 1
- Review MnDOT and partner plans
- Assess the 2017 MnSHIP
- Analyze trends
Background Information
Step 2
- Identify needed improvements and strategies for implementation
- Determine funding needs to implement strategies
- Forecast outcomes and risks with strategies
Needs Identification
Step 3
- Project state highway revenue scenarios
- Determine possible funding scenarios over the next 20 years
- Produce financial summary
Revenue Projections
Step 4
- Develop investment scenarios
- Conduct public engagement around the investment scenarios
Scenario Development
Step 5
- Identify preferred approach and set investment direction
- Identify priorities if funding changes
- Develop work plan
Investment Direction
Step 6
- Communicate impacts on project selection
- Develop 10-year Capital Highway Investment Plan
- Implement work plan