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MnDOT has updated the department's Bicycle Facility Design Manual, which provides the information necessary to develop safe, consistent and predictable bicycle facilities along the state highway system.
Increasing the transparency of how we select highway construction projects

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities
Four scenarios to envision the future with CAV technology

Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars, trucks, and buses in Minnesota.

Strategies for engaging policy makers and the public to shape laws and adjust for changing infrastructure needs
Transportation partners collaborating to study and plan for connected and autonomous vehicles

The Minnesota Department of Transportation has released its third annual sustainability report.

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.

Exploring potential strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cars, trucks, and buses in Minnesota.
Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.
Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Studying how transportation affects equity and identifying transportation strategies and approaches that will meaningfully reduce disparities.
Piloting tools and strategies to better incorporate equity into project-level decision-making.

Developing tools and resources to support transportation decisions that reflect the surrounding context.

Updating MnDOT technical guidance to incorporate new practices and policy direction.

Developing and improving educational materials to answer key questions of interest to Minnesotans.
After more than a yearlong development process, MnDOT adopted a new project selection policy in November 2018.

Reducing carbon dioxide emissions generated by Minnesota's transportation system.
Developing and improving educational materials to answer key questions of interest to Minnesotans.

Weaving diversity and inclusion into the way we do business
Increasing the transparency of MnDOT’s project selection processes.

Reviewing existing and potential new National Highway System intermodal connectors.

Updating MnDOT technical guidance to incorporate new practices and policy direction.

Identifying vulnerabilities and assessing risks to the transportation system.

Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Increasing the transparency of MnDOT’s project selection processes.

Studying and working with transportation partners to prepare for connected and autonomous vehicles.

Piloting tools and strategies to better incorporate equity into project-level decision-making.

Expanding and improving asset management planning.

Maintaining the MnDOT Trend Analysis Library.